The story begins when Accidenti protagonist, Giovanni, finds himself living a very important moment: his first baby tooth fall.
Accidenti is an illustrated book and an educational project made of images for children and many useful adult tips.
Story concept was developed by dentistry specialist Silvia Rapa Cocconi, written in rhyme by Davide Pocchiesa and illustrated by me with the art direction of Paola Dus.
The illustrations are a mix of watercolour and digital graphics.
The texts were paged with the EasyReading font: a High-legibility and dyslexia friendly type. For the printing ecological paper Favini Shiro eco was chosen.
During Covid-19 Lock-down the project evolved into a digital webinar for children entertainment. Accidenti illustrations were then adopted and arranged together to create an animated video. Part of the video is now available at
Illustrations: Maria Marega Text by: Davide Pocchiesa and Silvia Rapa Cocconi Art direction: Paola Dus Digital publishing: Maura Trolese Printing, publication and distribution: Grafiche Antiga Paper: Favini Shiro Echo Customer: Silvia Rapa Cocconi Year: 2020